Monday, May 19, 2014

2014 CCR Fundraiser

First and foremost, I have to thank all the members of for making this Fundraiser such a huge success. You really come through for the Cross Country Racers (CCR) club! We had help from all sorts of people, some were not even CCR Members. People donated items to auctioned, people donated their time by making races for us to use, Blutec donated 1k for each person that raced her go cone races, Jayess donated a portion of his sales made over the weekend, people paid to play bingo, pay to take pot shots at other people that volunteered, and people donated to kiss their favorite hosts.  'tu '''love '''kiss

Things did not always go according to plan, teleports were slow and then often wrong (until you snapped into place),  not everyone showed up that we expected, Bingo was alot more time consuming than i thought it would be, and then of course there was lag, lag and more lag. However what worked, was beautiful!  Catrona & I were there  for target practice! yay!! Bingo, only 26 persons played, but i handed out a lot of extra cards. The kissing booth, well kissing is always fun, right!  Thanks to RK_Falagar, and kateshappy for lending their lips for the cause, and for catrona, and susanszy for filling in.  All in all the pay to play day  was pretty fun!  and really thats what it is all about.

The fundraiser was a huge success! Thank you all!


I know you all want to hear the numbers... It's all about the numbers. so here they are:

 124,000  Start of fundraiser 124k (5/1/14)
-58,000 rent
-64,000 submital  fees, paz times, listing costs, decorations, prizes
-26,000 more of same
(- 24,000) start of fundraiser weekend

+90,000 to cover submissions and listing cost, decorations & gifts (from me)
+58,000 Donation from blutec/Go Cone race incentive
 +9,000 donation from Jayess1 sales incentives
 +3,301 from dunking booth
+37,116 from kissing booth
+74,000 from bingo
+994,498 From donations and sales

1,241,915 T

♥ (¯`·._.··¸.-~*_Thank You!_*·~-.¸··._.·´¯) ♥

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