Friday, December 20, 2013

CCR Holiday Fun!

ZMW Commemorative Khobra

Let's have a little Holiday fun Running around the snow! Join me in this baccio race.  Sponsored by ZachC /ZMW company.

1. twistiez
2. mushh
3. Orielle
4. lostinthewoods
5. KorbenCongrejo
6. TigerProwl
7. coolnet560
8. ImageMaker
9. _Jonty
10. Xist
11. Ksean
12. Spoooky
13. RK_Falagar
14. rounder
15. essjay
16. Yarndoll
17. migman
18. dollbaby07
19. dave008
20. Ox64
21. Jayess1
22. _Squirrelett
23. Jeli
24. MrScrooge
25. Ned_1
26. nickie08
27. ilko_s
28. Leaf42
29. _Phantom
30. Glynni
31. SunnyMusic
32. paddo
33. Kooky
34. Carpenter
35. xxxjoshuaxxxx
36. Torma
37. musicmom
38. KatesHappy
39. redneck97317
40. Markaina
41. lovydovy
42. wndlynn
43. Geoschroy
44. Vexity
45. x_dragonslayer_x
46. Kelayna
47. tollermike
48. MrFuzz
49. Riot_Girl_1
50. susanszy

#3 Orielle

Friday, December 6, 2013


RKM Emerald Explorer
& ZMW 2013 Emerald City II

A Cross Country *FOOT* Race following the path that Dorothy might take... in and around New Kansas. Sponsored by RK_Falagar,and AmxScott. Prizes are pictured above.

* please note the ZMW buggy is a limited edition with sales ending today. If you want one, be sure to pick one up soon!
Sign up for the event now!


  1. Cissy_59
  2. xTrickAngelx 
  3. Tasha907 
  4. Markaina 
  5. Jayess1 
  6. Riot_Girl_1 
  7. MrFuzz 
  8. dave008 
  9. Namron 
  10. lostinthewoods 
  11. nickie08 
  12. Ned_1 
  13. Ksean 
  14. musicmom 
  15. SweetMtnRain 
  16. Bear_Cole 
  17. rounder 
  18. Judder 
  19. redneck97317 
  20. KatesHappy 
  21. Carpenter 
  22. Vexity 
  23. mushh 
  24. ilko_s 
  25. Leaf42 
  26. Achenar 
  27. kaotikchameleon 
  28. essjay 
  29. Kelayna 
  30. jamt 
  31. _Phantom 
  32. wndlynn 
  33. dollbaby07 
  34. AsifChris 
  35. xxxjoshuaxxxx 
  36. lovydovy 
  37. susanszy 
  38. B_A_B_S 
  39. Orielle 
  40. SunnyMusic 
  41. Laylita
  42. BlueAnn
25. Leaf42
26. Achenar  

thank you all!