Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring into CCR

Spring CCR
Location: Bananaphone
Lets spring into action and kick up some dust while we race around the island. Drawing to be held after the event. 

Date: Apr 5, 113
Time: 8:00 pm - 12:00 am EST

Lets spring into step with tonight's race.. hints were...   to be prepared for a longer race and bring your bunny slippers, and a hot buggy ready to race... If anyone would like to sponsor tonight's race or any in the future, just let me know.

ZMW Green SuprahSkyline
ZMW Painted Desert by ZachC 

  1. Yarndoll 
  2. shanghei 
  3. TheFirstBlue 
  4. Onchu42 
  5. Francis_7 
  6. dave008 
  7. xxxjoshuaxxxx 
  8. Riot_Girl_1 
  9. Vexity 
  10. FireTamer 
  11. _Squirrelett 
  12. susanszy 
  13. ltbigdog 
  14. mademoisellefifi 
  15. mushh 
  16. JRz 
  17. Jayess1 
  18. Shivaki 
  19. twistiez 
  20. BluegrassTIGGS 
  21. wndlynn 
  22. jamt 
  23. Nemma_Ravenheart 
  24. musicmom 
  25. rounder 
  26. nickie08 
  27. Leaf42 

FireTamer & Jamt

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