Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Motu Murder!

Sponsor tonight is CCR

Come help investigate the crime!

WINNER:  SonicWarriorXP (Police TUV by ZachC)

  1. Shivaki
  2. B_A_B_S
  3. Orielle
  4. fatjohn
  5. GaryBob
  6. noxy
  7. RK_Falagar
  8. Percepti0n
  9. KorbenCongrejo
  10. heatherkitty
  11. rounder
  12. mushh
  13. lostinthewoods
  14. Francis_7
  15. EmmaJean
  16. dancing_jesus
  17. pose4me
  18. Ecugirly
  19. BlueAnn
  20. dave008
  21. Kayleigh
  22. Mary_Helen
  23. Ksean
  24. migman
  25. Flattering
  26. EmbraceMidnight
  27. Pete_ii
  28. BaphNagi
  29. Aradriel
  30. Leaf42
  31. Julian_Kingg
  32. xxxjoshuaxxxx
  33. guiness
  34. musicmom
  35. Vexity
  36. nickie08
  37. Ned_1
  38. bustyfemale
  39. HeartofGold
  40. SonicWarriorXP
  41. Basya
  42. Jennyw9wkids
  43. Rollerdave
  44. ziedane
  45. Espen
  46. Mae_East
  47. AsifChris
  48. jamt
  49. ziedane
WINNER: Francis_7 (SWAT hoverboard and 10K tbux!)

  1. Mary_Helen
  2. pose4me
  3. Ecugirly
  4. RK_Falagar
  5. Percepti0n
  6. KorbenCongrejo
  7. heatherkitty
  8. dave008
  9. rounder
  10. jennyw9wkids
  11. SonicWarriorXP
  12. BaphNagi
  13. dancing_jesus
  14. Flattering
  15. musicmom
  16. xxxJoshuaxxxx
  17. bustyfemale
  18. Leaf42
  19. Julian_Kingg
  20. migman
  21. Orielle
  22. GaryBob
  23. noxy
  24. EmmaJean
  25. Francis_7
  26. lostinthewoods
  27. BlueAnn
  28. nickie08
  29. Ned_1
  30. B_A_B_S
  31. fatjohn
  32. Kayleigh
  33. Rollerdave
  34. Shivaki
  35. Basya
  36. jamt
  37. AsifChris


  1. No one is ever on There!! How do you guys have games when there is only a handful of people?? There used to be full not now. Finding fun and people are very hard to do. Wish it had never shut down before. Ugg

  2. well we all wish it was never closed. however 50 members doing ccr was about the same numbers we had all through 2005 - 2010. so as one of the oldest running events in there I think we are doing pretty good. as for finding people on line, I guess it depends on where you look, and what you like to do as well your time zone.
