Friday, April 8, 2016

CCR Weather Alert!


Its Spring! And my weather alerts are pinging away, hail, lightening, snow, rain, etc. will my tulips survive? stay tuned for further alerts in this area...  Tonight we will race through them all! Race sponsored by MigMan and RK_Falagar and CCR

  1. BlueAnn 
  2. Kayleigh
  3. Basya 
  4. GaryBob 
  5. noxy 
  6. Orielle 
  7. PrincessPebbie 
  8. Shivette 
  9. JRz 
  10. dancing_jesus 
  11. KorbenCongrejo 
  12. dave008 
  13. Ksean 
  14. Ecugirly 
  15. heatherkitty 
  16. essjay 
  17. Rollerdave 
  18. mushh 
  19. Yarndoll 
  20. lostinthewoods 
  21. SonicWarriorXP 
  22. mademoisellefifi 
  23. Vexity 
  24. susanszy 
  25. Kelayna 
  26. musicmom 
  27. Leaf42 
  28. Mary_Helen 
  29. rounder 
  30. cole449 
  31. HeartOfGold 
  32. nickie08 
  33. Ned_1 
  34. AsifChris 
  35. migman 
  36. dollbaby07 
  37. RK_Falagar 
  38. devonette 
  39. teraseta 
  40. NellieRachel 
  41. jamt 
  42. xxxjoshuaxxxx 
  43. ilko_s 
  44. EmbraceMidnight 
  45. _Ayman 


Kayleigh (carnival boat) , heatherkitty, jamt, leaf42

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